Innovative Relief and Development Solutions (IRDS) is legally established in Sudan and is registered at the Humanitarian Affairs Commission (HAC) as a National Non-Governmental Organization (NNGO).
IRDS was known, until February 29th 2016, as International Relief and Development Sudan (IRD – Sudan) which was established in 2010 and operated under the banner of IRD-US
During the past five years, IRD Sudan has been one of the premier organizations implementing transitional / developmental programs in Darfur focusing on livelihoods development. Our mission is to reduce the suffering of the Sudan’s most vulnerable groups and to provide tools and resources needed to increase their self-sufficiency and resilience to shocks. We accomplish this mission by running targeted, cost-effective programs that improve the living conditions of these vulnerable groups by offering economically viable opportunities that can lead to increased and sustainable incomes at the household level. We worked in other regions of the Sudan (SKS, KRT State) that present social, political, and technical challenges, and particularly specialize in helping communities affected by conflict and war to recover and improve their livelihoods. We collaborate with a wide range of organizations to design and implement our programs.
IRDS has been an implementing partner to United Nations Development Programme under the Sudan Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Program SDDRP since 2010 and the Darfur Community Peace and Stability Fund DCPSF since January 1st, 2013. IRDS implemented three projects under the UNDP/DDR in Khartoum and South Kordofan States, and two long term projects (more than 18 months) under the UNDP/DCPSF